which same as public/
:hexo g -d
—-> username.github.io
static files
: deploy github
env files
: local
Deploy env files to github
The env files
is deployed to github and does not affect the hosting of static files
1. Create a new hexo branch
on gituhb web, and set it as the default branch to store the env files
2. git clone hexo-branch
3. cd username.github.io
& remove all files except ‘.git/’
4. git add -A
5. git commit -m "comment"
6. git push origin hexo
(hexo branch have been cleared.)
7. copy .git/
to Hexo/
(Now, the hexo project has become a local repository associated with the remote hexo branch.)
git add . & git commit -m "some description" & git push origin hexo
: push env files to hexo branch.
hexo g -d
: deploy web & push static files to master branch.
Env building in a new computer
- install hexo:
npm install -g hexo-cli
git clone git@github.com:username/username.github.io.git
npm install
hexo g & hexo s
Sync operation on two computers
git pull origin hexo
- When have written blog, first commit env files, then deploy blog.
-git add .
-git commit -m "comment"
-git push origin hexo
-hexo g -d